Steven Hellemans, BELGIUM - Houtsmit Guitars
Anthony Claeys, BELGIUM - Anthony Claeys Music
Ru Collins, UK - State Funded Haircut
Tristan Van Raemdonck, BELGIUM - Mellecrack
Jo Driesmans, BELGIUM - Hemelbestormer
Christophe Eggen, BELGIUM - The 5 AM
Sander Vanlouwe, BELGIUM - ANDERS
Robert Kopina, SLOVAKIA - Nocadeň
Manuel Mariano, PORTUGAL - Bad Tomato
Dries Vanhove, BELGIUM - The Monotrol Kid
Jonas Bormans, BELGIUM - Moody Mae & several other projects
Inti de Maet, BELGIUM - Several projects
Onan Van de Weyer, BELGIUM - Onanza & El Juntacadáveres
Gert Becqué, BELGIUM - The A-Tease
Johan de Laat ('Junior Jay'), BELGIUM - Bill & The Burners
'Little Chris' Van Nauw, BELGIUM - Several projects
'Danny Reverb' Van Langendonck, BELGIUM - Sant Anna Bay Coconuts
David Piedfort, BELGIUM - Several projects
Charlie Pinnock, UK - Drool
Joseph Parsons, GERMANY - Joseph Parsons Music
Jon Bogaert, BELGIUM - Shots Fired
Eric Klockaerts, BELGIUM - Shots Fired
Kris Claessens, BELGIUM - St-Katharina & All Things Automatic
Fabian Wutti, AUSTRIA - Gedachs
Tony Michaiel, UK - Boujitsu
Jeremy Verwilghen, BELGIUM - The Subtitles
Curt Kalyn, CANADA - The 100th Meridian
Sam Willems, BELGIUM - Dageradeloosheid
Arne Brusselle, BELGIUM - Selected Blend
Bert Aernouts, BELGIUM - Koebeest & Tarbat
Michiel Van Cleuvenbergen, BELGIUM - Condor Gruppe
Adriaan Verherstraeten, BELGIUM - Traveler
Thomas Vandenbergh, BELGIUM - Boney & The Fannies
Tim Gysbrechts, BELGIUM - North-Side Bigband & Nimble Bastards
Steven Vandersmissen, BELGIUM - Roman Years
Fink Events, BELGIUM
Rerum Novarumlaan 140
2170 Merksem, Belgium
Phone: +32 484 27 43 00
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